Jolla and SailfishOS
QiTOH - Mano's solution
Spending some time on I met Mano during a discussion about some other topic.
He was kind enough to share his Qi solution with me and gave me permission to publish it.
The chip used seems to be Texas Instrument's BQ51013B. The same that is used by the Adafruit receiver.
He reported:
- The copper foil tape, he used was a 0.15mm type.
- The violet center-coil version did not warm up the battery more than the orange version, that he tried first.
- He suggests to leave a small gap between the charging station and the TOH.
- His version delivered 900mA, up to a gap of 5mm.
- There was only little bulking of TOH.
- Even the Shapeways made once (that usually have a more "relaxed" fit) still did close as good as before.
So here it is. Enjoy!

Very nice work Mano and Thank you for sharing!