This library declares a generic communication driver interface, that should be used whenever the specifica of the communication hardware are not relevant for an implementation.

Global Type Declarations


Prototype of a function that knows how to get the current state of the Send_Stop flag of a specific communication module.

typedef bool Get_Send_Stop( void *const com_module );


Prototype of a function that knows how to set a new state for the Send_Stop flag of a specific communication module.

typedef void Set_Send_Stop( void *const com_module, bool const new_state );


Prototype of a function that knows how send a stop signal, using a specific communication module.

typedef void Send_Stop( void *const com_module );


Prototype of a function that knows how to (blocking) write a byte array, using a specific communication module.

typedef enum status_code Write_Wait( void *const com_module, uint16_t const address, uint8_t *const byte_array, uint16_t const cnt_bytes );


Generic Driver Interface

struct Com_Driver {
            void          *com_module   ; //< specific com channel hardware module reference
            Get_Send_Stop *get_send_stop;
            Set_Send_Stop *set_send_stop;
            Send_Stop     *send_stop    ;
            Write_Wait    *write_wait   ;

Files in this library

Com_Driver.h Declarations of the Generic Communication Driver interface


This library is currently implemented for the Atmel Software Foundation only.

You can get rid of this dependency by


See the 07 SSD1306 OLED FeatherM0 ASF Tutorial on how to use the library.